Can-Am Series Rules
Can-Am Series Rules
1 | Open to Stock and Super Stock classes in IHRA, NHRA and Nostagia Super Stock (NSS). See Can-Am rules and classes for NSS. Exceptions – no Pure Stock and no FX Cars. |
2 | IHRA, NHRA and NSS current class rules, minimum weights, HP factors and indexes used must be on file with the Tech Committee prior to the race. |
3 | Permanent class designations must be displayed on vehicle. |
4 | Tech Committee has the right to inspect and weigh cars at any time (to be class legal) |
5 | Courtesy staging must be followed. AutoStart System (under control of Track/Tower) will be in operation during TT and Eliminations. Please familiarize yourself with the operation of the AutoStart as per the IHRA/NHRA rules books. |
6 | Cars must dial on or under the national index for their class. No heads-up races by cars in the same class. |
7 | Tech inspection to be completed by the race tracks before runs commence. |
8 | In the case of a bye or a break single run, the vehicle must stage under it’s own power as per IHRA/NHRA rules. |
9 | Race Entry fee – $100 Cdn to be paid before first time trial. If racer is unable to make first round, racer or representative must notify host prior to draw. One-half the entry will be refunded ($50.00). If racer or representative does not notify the host that he/she is broken prior to draw there will be no refund. |
10 | Eliminations ladder to be determined by random draw. Draw to be held at host trailer 10 minutes after last time trial. Driver or representative must be in attendance for the draw. Once the ladder is drawn it is final. |
11 | Can-Am points series membership dues – $125 Cdn can be paid any time throughout the year but must be paid before beginning of a race to be counted. It is not necessary to be a member in order to race. |
12 | Race schedule to consist of 10 races. No rain-out or make-up races. Points to be totaly from 5 best races (not including non-points events).Points awarded as follows: Attendance points are awarded only at races considered to be complete. |
13 | If a minimum of one round eliminations is completed, the race will be considered complete and winnings paid out and points awarded. If a round is incomplete, points and winnings revert to previous completed round. |
Co-Driver Rules
1 | The co-driver must register when the primary driver registers as a points member. A $75.00 registration fee applies to the co-driver. The primary driver can name only one co-driver. |
2 | Points earned by the co-driver go to the primary driver. |
3 | Drivers and co-drivers can only register once (example: a registered driver cannot be a co-driver for another member). |
4 | If both driver and co-driver a present at a race, the driver for that race must be named before the draw. |
5 | No “team” driving. |